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First Macedonian Film Encyclopedia Promoted 10 Nov 2009
The first Film Encyclopedia in Macedonian language, written by Georgi Vasilevski, was launched Monday by Kultura publishing company. The encyclopedia covers the history of film, filmmakers, movements and genres.

Georgi Vasilevski, who was a film theoretician, died in August. His work was posthumously promoted by university professor Ljubomir Cuculovski and writer Tomislav Osmanli.

- What is special about this unique work in our film history is that it is a synthesis of different approaches for writing a film encyclopedia. It is useful both for laymen and for film professionals, said Cuculovski.

Osmanli said that Vasilevski's History of Film and Film Encyclopedia were two capital works for the film industry in Macedonia.

Vasilevski penned the History of Film in four volumes and was writing the fifth one at the time of his death. Amongst other things, we wrote entries for the two-volume Film Lexicon, published by the Yugoslav Institute for Lexicography in 1986 and 1990.

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