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Macedonian Cities -- Kocani Famous For
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Kocani is most famous for its rice fields. The first modern factory for peeling rice was opened in 1898. Rice is the most presentable agricultural product with a century-long tradition of growing. Because of its supreme quality, the Kocani rice won the prestigious Grand Prix Award at the annual Eureka 2000 in Brussels.



Terracotta iconsTerracotta icons, Vinicko Kale
Vinica is a small town in the southeast, just 12km away from Kocani, and is popular for its Vinicko Kale Fortress. The site of Vinicko Kale, dating from the Late Roman period, is located on the hill overlooking the town. The fortress is most famous for the unique terracotta icons dating from the 6th and the 7th centuries found there. These items are now displayed in Skopje's Archeological Museum.

Ponikva resort
Only 20km north from Kocani, secluded in the heart of Mt. Osogovo is the famous resort Ponikva (altitude of 1,580m).  Nature lovers enjoy this resort, as it abounds in beautiful scenery and offers opportunities for summer and winter outdoor activities. The surrounding woods, rich in different and rare types of game, make this resort attractive for hunters, as well.


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